The blazing hot days in the sun
Never a day of having fun
Sweat pouring out from the skin
Thirsting out for an ice-cream

The exhausting summer days
Have ended their tiring stays
Paving way for rainy days
And for wet and mushy plays

Showers vivify the thirsty earth
As they return with regularity
And recreates the beauty of earth
Rich with promise of prosperity

Nature dancing to the tune of rain
Sensing a happy refrain
Thirst and hot for months had lain
Have returned home back again

Dark clouds gather up in the sky
Wind starts blowing wildly high
Peals of thunder & flashes of lightning
Add to the joy rain bring

The melodious voices of the birds
Embracing the swimming fishes free
And flowers dazzling from buds
In the company of tall trees

The rivers flowing with water divine
Meeting the wide rocking ocean
One cigarette & a glass of wine
Will make the day for everyone

Rainbow dancing across the sky
With seven colors lovely and bright
It is the path to heaven high
Creating a wonderful sight

Water gathers up everywhere
Smell of the ground endures in the air
Fragrance of flowers sizzles through air
Beauty embarks in the cool air

I respect the offerings of children
And people to god and nature
For the blessed gift of rain
To mankind, so pure.